Saturday, January 7, 2012

Follow Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men

The 10 - C Spoon

No, it isn't the "Tennessee" spoon or even the Alabama (RollTide) spoon. It is the 10 - C Spoon because I make it from a penny that has been stamped with the Ten Commandments.

And, it catches fish!

I order the pennies from the Living Waters Ministry (Ray Comfort). I like to use them to engage people in a conversation about the Law and then share good news of the Gospel.

Since I love fishing, I made one into a fishing lure. Now. I give them to others who want to join my Fishers of Men Club. Jesus said in Matthew 4:19, Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.

Join the club, there is no limit on the number or size that you catch!